A Unilinguist: As if I don't talk enough in real life..

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Confessions of a 22-year-old Freakazoid.

*msn: Just because I do freaky things doesn’t mean I’m a freak. (yes, interpret that however you like.)

Have you ever noticed that there are some people that we just refer to as freaks without thinking much about it?

It just occurred to me today that I’ve called almost everyone I know a freak at some point, but some only (shh) when they are not present. (Yes I know that means behind their backs but let’s not get caught up in the lingo.)

And for those some, most of the time, I don’t really know them. In fact, they’re probably just someone I met for a few seconds, or heard about from someone else. All it took was one action, or one incident for them to be branded as such.

And then I realized today that I do plenty of freaky things too. (STOP sniggering.) But does that make me a freak? I’d like to think it makes me an individual, nothing more. And if some are annoyed by my antics? Well, I’ve never met anyone who has never annoyed me on one occasion or another, given time.

So do these people really deserve the names we give them? Are they not just like everyone else, caught in a moment of madness?

Ah...’tis a heavy burden on my conscience, ‘tis.

Words of Wisdom

“…my college profs…seemed to feel they was the greatest experts on the most interestin’ subjects and that the students should feel lucky to pay substantial hunks of money for the privilege of worshippin’ at their feet.

What’s more, they tested the loyalty of said students on a regular basis by the simple process of makin’ the presentation dull enough to bore a stone and seein’ who managed to stay awake long enough to absorb sufficient data to pass their finals.”

- M.Y.T.H. Inc. in Action, Robert Asprin

Suddenly it’s all clear to me…

Tips to Zap Zits

1. Use separate towels for your face and for the rest of you.

2. After washing and cleansing thoroughly with warm water, splash face several times with icy-cold water. Apparently this tightens the pores and hinders dirt from getting stuck in ‘em.

Now, I know this isn’t very convincing if I don’t provide proof that it works. However, given that I refuse to reveal even my name here, I think it’s highly doubtful I’d put up a shot of my face, don’t you?

Anyway those of you who know me already know how I look like. :oP

So, caveat emptor, and happy trying!


Today the ice queen told me I was the only person she knew who could be light and dark all at the same time. Not skin colour, but more along the lines of morbid airhead.

I guess that somewhere inside me is a little gothic girl I have made many failed attempts to appease with the use of eyeliner stolen from my mum.

I kinda like her there...she keeps Barbie company.

*crinkled-nose smirk*


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