A Unilinguist: As if I don't talk enough in real life..

Friday, April 29, 2005

Destiny fulfilled…

*msn: Moody *Humph*asaurus

So corny right, the title? And it’s unoriginal too, ‘cos I stole it off…


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(I so hate people who gloat, but ah well…)

I actually only started to get excited about the whole thing on Tuesday itself. Boyfriend, however, had a running countdown – ‘I’m going to see Beyonce in 5 days…I’m going to see Beyonce in 4 days…’ – and actually started playing all kinds of Destiny Child songs the night before as “preparation”. (Sometimes I worry about that boy.)

Anyway, this momentous event has sparked off many revelations.

Revelation 1:

Destiny’s Child can sing live. I don’t only mean that they didn’t lip synch though they were dancing, etc. but that they can actually sing in tune.

I have to admit to some degree of scepticism when it comes to singers performing live. (Watch any MTV awards lately? Can you blame me?)

But this was REALLY good. (No, this has nothing to do with the occasional Johnny Depp clips they played while we were waiting for them to start.) Like, stupendously good. I am officially in awe.

Oh, though, sadly, being one who always plays by the rules (oh very well, I forgot) I didn’t bring along a camera. Felt momentarily justified by the huge sign outside saying “NO CAMERAS OR RECORDING EQUIPMENT OF ANY KIND ALLOWED”, but was almost blinded by the number of flashes in the audience when the concert started.

I’m SHOCKED I tell you, SHOCKED.


Revelation 2:

It’s quite possible that one day I will DIE from excessive vanity. Now, I’m not the skanky type, but it just so happens that all my dressy outfits are either sleeveless or strapless or off-shoulder or basically useless against the cold in one way or another. And obviously one cannot attend such a mega event NOT dressed to the nines.

But for the unseasonably warm-ish (I was still shivering by the end of the night) weather, I may not, dear reader, still reside amongst the living. Yes, we shall give thanks to the powers that be. There is still unfinished work for me on Earth.

Either that, or it really is true – “Only the good die young.”

Revelation 3:

I miss clubbing. Nearly put someone’s eye out while flailing around to ‘Crazy In Love’.


How it all began...

Right, it has to be said that prior to Tuesday night, I wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of DC. Observe:

(three quarters of a year ago)

Lizzie: Eh, want to go for the Destiny’s Child concert or not?

Me: Ah? When?

Lizzie: Next year April.

Me: NEXT YEAR?? Next year only say lah..

Lizzie: No no, if want to go must buy now.

Me: Tell you what, you go find out price and info and come back and tell me
okay? (standard evasive technique)

- next day-

Lizzie: Eh, bought your tix adis. $130 yeah. Boyfriend too.

Me: *speechless* (rare, but true.)

Yes, I concede everything turned out okay, and if anyone else is thinking of pulling a similar stunt, well, be my guest. AND MY FINANCIER.


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