A Unilinguist: As if I don't talk enough in real life..

Thursday, April 07, 2005

And so it begins...

*msn: To sheep perchance to dream

After months of saying “I will never start a blog” and giving lists and lists of reasons why not, I have decided to, yet, again, prove that I never know what I am talking about.

I am sure my friends will never let me forget this, so I shall conveniently forget to tell anyone that I have started one. Maybe just my sister, to save me the trouble of telling her everything which I have a habit of doing anyway. Also given my extremely limited attention span, this might be the only entry so why bother people.

I think the main reason for the conception of this is yet another in a series of Ways For Me To Procrastinate – a list long enough to deserve to have its heading capitalized.

Case in point:

Books borrowed from Rowden White (only my favourite library in the world):

  1. Jingo by Terry Pratchett (for like the tenth time. Pratchett junkie.)
  2. A three-in-one by Agatha Christie
  3. Pebble In The Sky by Issac Asimov

Books borrowed from ERC (whose basement full of dusty old books I have just discovered – now I can stop borrowing children’s books from them)

  1. Best American Short Stories 1945
  2. Moby Dick – Herman Melville
  3. The Three Musketeers – Alexandre Dumas (it was donated by someone, and actually has a signature dated 1914 in the front cover)

Note: 2 & 3 were mainly chosen because I have decided that if I am going to claim to be someone who reads a lot, I have to start reading books like this ‘cos everyone expects me to have done so already.

Other reading material from various sources (boyfriend, housemate, people who hand out flyers, etc.)

  1. FHM with Halle Berry on cover (largest headline proclaims: THE WORLD’S BEST BEER REVEALED – ironic since I cannot drink to save my life)
  2. Dead Famous by Ben Elton
  3. Stacks of The Age, the business section of which I swear I will read someday.
  4. Uni stuff *waves hand dismissively* and aforementioned flyers.

If anyone is annoyed with all these lists, bear in mind that you should be thankful because ordinarily I cannot stop (writing, reading, or talking) and I have written countless paragraph-long sentences. Anyway I tend to write/talk like whatever/whoever I have been reading/talking to, so all these lists are courtesy of the many careers pages I have been dragging myself through for the past few hours.

In keeping with the theme, I’ll sign off with a couple more lists.

Things I intended to do today:

  1. Finish Question 5 of my IF assignment.
  2. Read up for tomorrow’s lectures.
  3. Not chat online.
  4. Not read any reading material from list 1, 2, and parts of 3.
  5. Read up on FNV assignment.
  6. Do sit-ups (actually crunches – I know my limits)
  7. Apply for jobs.

Things I managed to do today:

  1. Finished Question 5 of my IF assignment. (my group is meeting tomorrow, paiseh lah if don’t do. And it’s due on Friday.)
  2. Chatted online.
  3. Finished Jingo. Started Dead Famous. Finished FHM (old copy anyway so skipped the boring stuff.)
  4. Did not do sit-ups/crunches but ate healthy food for dinner so it counts. Chewed longer too.
  5. Applied for a job.

Not that bad what…….


  • Things you should do;
    1) Cook nice food for Boyfriend
    2) Buy Boyfriend nice presents
    3) Chocolate perhaps??
    4) Repeat steps 1,2 & 3

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11 April, 2005  

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