A Unilinguist: As if I don't talk enough in real life..

Sunday, April 10, 2005

In the light of day..

*msn: Time to say goodbye..


After reading the previous post, written in the oddest hours of the morning, I have come to three conclusions:

1) I must not write posts when in throes of massive sleep-deprivation intoxication as I sound even more neurotic than I am.

2) I am extremely self-absorbed, and I must stop writing mainly about myself as it is not only vain, but extremely boring.

3) I must stop thinking AND DECLARING that I am pathetic. If I can’t find anything good about myself, it’s going to be highly doubtful that anyone else will.

Spent last night having dinner out at Sofia’s (huge, huge amounts of glorious food) and then to friend’s house as she is leaving for M’sia for good today. Wahz..sads lah.

I don’t wanna grow up, I wanna be a Toys R’ Us kid. *sigh*

* * * * * * *




There is a spot. On my one and only white Giordano spaghetti-strapped top. A SPOT I SAY A SPOT !!!

Calm..calm..*breathes deeply* There is always bleach..

It just occurred to me the other day that when it comes to stains, I seem to instantly channel Lady Macbeth. Or at least I would’ve if she had been a real person (was she ?), but I know you know what I mean and if you don’t you will soon.

First comes the horror at the sight, and then the agonies of guilt over having eaten (or in the Lady’s case aided in killing) so wantonly and carelessly.

Then, the endless scrubbing in the late of night (my housemate can attest to that as she is then cut off from the use of the toilet as long as I am in there) while muttering under my breath “Out, damned spot !” and various other words I’m sure the Lady M said too, only Shakespeare was too polite to write them down.

“All the perfumes of Arabia etc. etc.” could not match my laundry ‘arsenal’ which I drag out every time I have clothes to wash; Dynamo (of lipstick-circled kicap stain fame), fabric conditioner (which I spend half an hour choosing as I simply must surreptitiously open and sniff all the brands), spot stain remover, and White King for Colours laundry soaker ! I love my White King. I also have wool wash for woolens (duh) and my beloved bleach (White King brand too). I am currently saving up to buy Dynamo Black, designed to keep my blacks blacker, and dream someday of buying Fabric-Eze, which makes clothes easier to iron. Not that I have time to do any ironing, but it never hurts to have some around the house. *taps nose knowingly*

Of course the similarity ends here because she eventually degenerates into complete and utter madness and commits suicide whereas I am obviously still alive. And completely and utterly sane.

Don’t agree ? A pox on all your laundry.


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