A Unilinguist: As if I don't talk enough in real life..

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The best laid plans…

*msn: Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you??

La la la la la la la I have cleaned up my room. Even Boyfriend was impressed. Bagus kan? (SO WHAT if it was ‘cos I wanted to take a series of pictures of my apartment to show my parents?? Ulterior motives are still motives and the ends justify the means. So there.)

Anyway I would post up one of the pictures here (and I have finally learnt how to host pictures haha..now all I need a is a digicam..) but somehow..it doesn’t look as impressive in the picture as it does in real life so too bad. All Melbournians are welcome to check out this phenomenon before it disappears though. Only $2 per entry. Drinks (only the freshest water!! Boiled on request.) included.


Ahah…had Monday off ‘cos of Anzac day, and as the weather was particularly sunny, decided to become more Australian-ised (was recently accused by family friend’s son of still looking FOB – fresh off the boat – after 3 ½ years in Melbourne) by doing as the Australians do and go out to the park to read. (They practically worship the sun..any sign of it and instantly they appear all over the ground..like mushrooms I tell you. There was even a couple sitting on a little piece of raised tarmac at an intersection.)

Feeling pangs of guilt, I sadly left behind my Sandman-inspired book of short stories and dragged *sigh* Investments instead.

Anyway. I left the house at 3:50 p.m. Took 15 minutes to get there. Another 5 to find a bench out of range of any Frisbees or other projectiles. Another 5 to sit down and spread out stuff accordingly. Read two chapters. At about 4:55 gave up due to freezing fingers and toes (sun in Australia is MISLEADING), called Boyfriend to come walk me home (so he could enjoy the sunlight too…and the file was heavy…hahaha), and ended up watching Simpsons and Neighbours instead.


Girl Power!!!

Right, this is related to Erin getting booted from Apprentice, and the girls from the first season as well. Yes, long overdue, but must be said.

I cannot cannot cannot CANNOT stand the people who accused the girls of using their “sexuality” and good looks to try to win the competition.

Note yeah, I didn’t say they don’t use them, I just didn’t like people making it sound like a bad thing. (hence the word “accuse”.)

I have two reasons for this:

Firstly, the only reason girls flirt, charm, “use their sexuality” etc. is because (most of the time) they get away with it. Look, guys, I’m not saying you all do, and I’m not saying those who do do it all the time, but confess: have you ever been swayed by a pretty face? And would you have been equally swayed by similar antics on a less attractive persona? It’s quite simple really, if it didn’t work, they wouldn’t do it.

Which leads me to the second point – why shouldn’t they do it since it works? Yes, I agree it is unfair. I’m not defending from within the ranks here; I am most certainly not anything near ‘hot chick’ material, but if I were, I think I probably would use my looks on occasion to get what I want.

I realize that this may be unfair on unattractive people (this is no longer limited to the female variety) but then, isn’t it silly not to use an advantage when you have it? Should people who can run fast naturally be banned from Olympics? Smart people be given extra-difficult exams? This is not golf, and anyway anyone can look decent if they try, and there are not that many beautiful people in the world so chances of them taking over the world are pretty close to nil.

Now, what makes this bad is when it goes too far. When people “sleep their way to the top”. When unqualified people make it over qualified ones simply because of their looks. When quality of work is sacrificed for quality of physicality.

Charming and flirting just to complement your skills and knowledge is one thing. Depending on your ability to do so to make your way in life is another.

The difference is respect.

Miscellanous quote (unrelated)

“‘How do you love someone for a lifetime? How do you make a marriage work for all that time?’

‘You have to keep falling in love,’ she said.

‘You just have to keep falling in love with the same person.’”

- Man and Wife, Tony Parsons.


  • Slightly off topic but Erin's HOT! I like! :p

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 27 April, 2005  

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