A Unilinguist: As if I don't talk enough in real life..

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Hundreds and Thousands

*msn: But Angie, I (l) you! :)


“Hundreds and thousands are tiny spherical candies, usually approximately 1mm in diameter, similar to cachous. They are coated in various colours and mixed as a popular topping for childrens' cakes. Hundreds and thousands sprinkled on buttered white bread is known as fairy bread.”

- Wikepedia, the free encyclopaedia.

So this is going to be a rambly, disconnected post with all sorts of unrelated subjects.

Warned ya. :oP

Love is in the air…

Okay, firstly, I am a confirmed blog-addict. For months before setting up my own (perhaps in sheer desperation to overcome this addiction, much like a nicotine patch for a smoker) I used to read blogs compulsively. Like, ANYONE’S blogs. Even total strangers. In fact, make that ESPECIALLY total strangers, since in my friends’ blogs half the things that happened I’d already heard about.

Anyway, I’ve noticed that sooner or later, everyone blogs about either;

  1. The meaning of Life; or
  2. The meaning of Love.

And whenever I come across those topics, I tend to skip them (unless I know the person in which case I find it fascinating) ‘cos I think these things are basically point-of-view type matters which won’t have any bearing on me.

Therefore I have decided to write a post on The Meaning Of Love To Me.

(Yeah yeah, like everything else I do makes sense.)

These are my basic beliefs when it comes to matters of the heart:

Love is not easy

It takes effort. From my (and many of my friends’) personal experience anyway. It takes effort to be considerate, and sensitive, and caring no matter how bad his/her/your mood. It takes effort to turn down invitations because you promised you’d have a “day in, just the two of us”. It takes effort not to act like you’re single when you see the most gorgeous person in the world. Most of all, it takes effort not to take the other person for granted, even though you probably could. (maybe not forever, but you get the drift.)

Love is not (always) exciting

I have lost count of the number of times someone has asked me whether I’ve gotten bored with Boyfriend yet the second they find out how long we’ve been together. (second question is usually, “SO…when’s the wedding?” followed by a self-satisfied smirk at making such an original statement. Question.)

Truth? It’s not boring, but it’s no sugar-high either. There is mundanity. There is routine. There are the days which seem to meld together without anything in particular that distinguishes them from each other.

It’s kinda like vanilla ice-cream. Good, in an ordinary sort of way.

Love does not (always) make sense

This, I know Boyfriend would agree with.

Firstly, we have absolutely nothing in common, not even music. Secondly, he hates confrontation whereas I am LOUD and PROUD to be it. Thirdly, he actually disliked me on sight when we first met ‘cos I talked too much thus (and this is my favourite part) making it difficult for him to concentrate in class. (And I always wanted to run away with a gangster. Much like in Enrique Iglesias’ Hero music video.)

Oh, and boy am I demanding. Why in Heaven’s name else would I care that he doesn’t write me long and fervent letters declaring undying love, when he will gladly wake up at 3 a.m. although he has a 9 a.m. class the next morning just to change a lightbulb for me? (I AM NOT being unreasonable, I can’t reach the ceiling, even with a chair. Har har har dee har har.)

And, if it comes to that, why in Heaven’s name would he put up with it?

*French accent* Mmm…vairy interesting.


*pam pa dush* [I have used this before, and apparently it’s not quite clear what it is (Boyfriend asked) so for the unimaginative (Boyfriend) it’s a short series of drum and cymbal hits which is meant to indicate the revelation of something new! Improved! And at a fraction of the price! (no more sugar for me).]

Love is freaking worth it

Man, I sound so Smug In A Relationship. (For non-Bridget Jones readers, read it.)

For those who say it should be effortless…well I think it isn’t. But the key point here is: I want to make the effort.

For those who say that it doesn’t make sense…well it doesn’t which is half the fun. Hee hee hee. Anyway someone once said that if two people in a relationship are exactly alike, one of them is unnecessary.

And for those who say it should be the most euphoric feeling of all time, all THE time…

Well to me, falling in love is the rollercoaster part. Being in love though…is like coming home after a really long journey. No matter where you’ve been, or where you want to go next, this is where you belong.

It’s no coincidence you know – “Home is where the heart is.”

How much is that doggie in the window?

I really DID go up to the cashier at Melbourne Central’s pet shop and say this okay…too bad, I think he didn’t know the song (do YOU?) so wasn’t as funny as I thought it would be.

Anyway, I have officially fallen in love with one of the Shih Tzu x Silky Terrier puppies they are selling. Where the rest are dark luscious brown, he (or she) is a dirty white with light brown patches. Where the rest are round balls of fur, he’s on the scrawny side and only half as fluffy. Where the rest gambol merrily around (as do Enid Blyton’s lambs), he is a little unsteady, perhaps because he’s the smallest of the lot.


He has the perkiest ears, where the rest have theirs buried in their fur. He has the cutest nose; the rest look flattened. He may fall, or trip, but he always gets up again and joins the rest. He may be tiny, but he doesn’t care, he pushes his way in anyway.

Others may want the healthy chocolate balls of fur. I want the little one, who seems fated to be overlooked, but refuses to let it be.

Oh, and the answer to the question? A$750. Hence he is not here with me, and never will be.

Wah, sedihnya.

Miracles Galore!

Passed my Investments mid-sem!!! LA LA LA LA LA. Don’t ask for the marks okay? Spoilsport only.

Updated Definition

polysexual – n. Attracted to men, women, animals, plants, inanimate objects, and intangibles.

Credited to K (the clown, but NOT Krusty) for the term, me me me for the definition, and Lizzie for the update (in italics.)

Current Peeve

Any of the following happening before falling asleep:

  1. Sudden mouth dryness, necessitating crawling out into the cold and stumbling into the unlit kitchen.
  2. The opposite, i.e. the sudden need to visit the toilet.
  3. Feet suddenly (yes it happens) feeling dusty.
  4. Hair feeling oily.
  5. Silly people who think speeding up Grattan St. in the middle of the night is absolutely cool.
  6. Silly people who think SINGING in the street in the middle of the night is absolutely cool.

Current Complaint

Difficulty falling asleep.

Current Favourite Pastime

Reading scripts of The Simpsons. Trust me when I say I spend more time reading TV scripts than watching shows.

Addicted to reading? No.


Observation of the Week

A lot of blogs appear to have the word Ramble/Ramblings in their title. And definitely in their posts. Hmmmmmmmm………


Sylvia, who turns 17 on the 3rd of May. I would be nothing without her.

Merry weekend to all (what’s left of it), and to all a good night.


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