A Unilinguist: As if I don't talk enough in real life..

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Words on plays on words and other words

*msn: Verbal diarrhea is a GOOD THING, damnit.

Have you ever stared so much at a word, for so long, that suddenly it ceases to make an sense and starts to look like nothing more than jumbled-up letters?

Try it:




And it is infinitely annoying to, for a second, think you’ve finally discovered your very first Googlewhack, only to realize you’ve actually just made the same typo as just one other person in the world.

I also find it kinda icky to see sculptures of snowmen skiing, since they are made OF snow and hence it is much like people sledding on hills of blood and bones.


Sleep beckons. The failure of “kaleidoscopical precclampsia” to break the monotony of constantly unfruitful googlewhacking attempts may haunt me forever.

Just a note: I read in a blog some time ago that a professor of linguistics (or some similarly-qualified being) said that a love for the use of parentheses and adverbs was always symptomatic of an undeniably, and ultimately, bad writer.

Is it ironic that I had both in that sentence and didn’t realize it till I’d finished typing it?

I don’t suppose the fact that I like to simply make up words helps either.

Oh boo. :o(

Another note (and then I’m done, I promise): Is it odd that I feel better that my mum has stopped nagging me to find a “real” job than about, you know, the job itself?


I wonder just how many of these questions are actually going to be answered.

[post is back-posted due to technical difficulties. :oP]


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