A Unilinguist: As if I don't talk enough in real life..

Monday, August 01, 2005

Perspective is simply just another point of view

*msn: Reason shall prevail? Perhaps, but whose…?

Deep impact (from Deep Impact)

Last night (or was it the night before?) Tommyknockers…


Last night, I was watching Deep Impact and this occurred to me. That I am this tiny, minute speck on a relatively minuscule planet in the middle of a not extraordinary galaxy, playing a somewhat unimportant role in The Universe. (whose vastness renders it both extremely essential and yet somehow unusually forgettable – it is easy to take something for granted when it’s always been there and is likely to always be. At least in my lifetime anyway, I mean, I know it’s shrinking and all…but I digress.)

And for a while I just sat there, wallowing in my sudden sense of infinite insignificance.

Oh, the unbearable littleness of being!

Then I realized something else, and began to bask in the glow of newfound irresponsibility.

I am tiny, I am infinitesimal, and everything I do makes practically no impact on a greater scale.

In fact, the only thing really affected by what I do is me. (myself and I.)

So if I try and succeed, I am happy, if I try and fail, I am sad, if I never try at all, I am regretful. And throughout it all, Life (and The Universe) Goes On.

Therefore ‘try’ is, by logic, the only step which has the possibility of resulting in a positive outcome, and hence the only way to go.

This…intrigues me. Greatly.

Just around the corner

On Saturday, Boyfriend and I, inspired by Latourex, went on a Left-Right Tour of our own.

Basically we stepped out of our apartments, walked to the nearest intersection, turned left, walked till we reached the next and turned right, and then left again at the intersection after that…you get my drift.

And snap-happy me took pictures of the right-angled road signs at each intersection we crossed, and of interesting things along the way.

Now. I would post the pictures up, but 95 shots takes just a little too much time. Maybe I’ll go start an album or something.

Interestingly, as we started out at about 4 and only got back after sundown, the gradual darkening of the sky can be observed from the pictures taken.

Unfortunately, there is a gap between a still slightly-bright evening and a decidedly dark sky; I had stopped at a shop and tested a particularly strong-smelling hand cream, and didn’t want to touch my camera until it had worn off. (It probably didn’t help that around the same time, Boyfriend and I went into this oldish-looking supermarket and stayed there for about an hour simply because the atmosphere reminded us of “the old Giant”.)

Strange what unexpected nostalgia can do to you, especially when far from home and feeling it.

(It must be noted here that we cheated slightly, and did not stop the tour when we encountered a large, uncrossable obstacle – such as an ocean, or a particularly large drain – but when we, after traversing mostly suburban areas, reached a large main road, lined with shops and paved with tram-tracks. Boyfriend then sternly informed me that there would be no more turnings from then on as we had “reached civilization”, obviously the only proper goal for explorers. Pooh.

Oh, and we took a tram home. Ha.)

Next weekend

The *gasp* Right-Left Tour begins! (although this is in the direction of the city, and will likely last about all of 15 minutes before we, again, “reach civilization”. Ah well.)


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