A Unilinguist: As if I don't talk enough in real life..

Sunday, September 04, 2005


*msn: Cabbage

Is there a word for a waiter who doesn’t smile back at customers who smile at him, to whom, apparently, “Thank you” is a phrase that requires absolutely no acknowledgement or response, whose idea of serving is to throw the plates at the table from as far away as possible, who treats customers as though they were wholly unreasonable for being there at all, who brings a bill of $47.50, promptly disappears with $50.50 and then proceeds to ignore the customer completely, who then, on inquiry, first informs the customer patronizingly that there was an unwritten $2 charge for the pot of very weak tea, and then proceeds to look highly affronted at the request for the remaining $1 change, saying haughtily that he thought it “was a tip” loudly enough for the entire restaurant to hear, and then throws a handful of coins on the table in apparent loud disgust at the customer’s lack of generosity?

Because, you know, ‘audacious’, or ‘rude’ or ‘appalling’, or even a combination of the three (italicized versions included) just doesn’t quite cut it.


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