A Unilinguist: As if I don't talk enough in real life..

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


*msn: 31st August, 48 years later.

[While it may be more appropriate perhaps to write this in Bahasa Malaysia, I am after all a unilinguist…writing in the only way I know how.]

There are many dreams I have for my country, most of which many may have voiced. But a dream is a dream is a hope and it doesn’t matter how many times you wish it.

I dream of a Malaysia, where the words “Proud to be Malaysian” really means proud to be Malaysian.

Where racial harmony really just means harmony, without the necessity for the “racial” qualification.

Where the government really is “of the people, by the people, for the people”.

Where the people is the people not one kind of people and another.

Where fines = fines not bribes.

Where Malaysian doesn’t just mean “from Malaysia”.

Where we don’t need the Petronas/Telekom/MAS ads to remind us of how it should be, because it already is.

Where public property means our property, not “not-mine-don’t-care” property.

Where people don’t just come to visit, but to stay.

Where people don’t dream of leaving, but of living here forever.

Where we can say what we want when we want, but also know what to say and when to say it.

Where dreams really do come true.

I could go on forever, but I guess what I really mean to say is this:

That I dream of a day when I can say to any Malaysian anywhere in the world, “I love my country”, and have them reply, not “Why?” but “Me too”.

Me too, everyone. Selamat Hari Merdeka.


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