A Unilinguist: As if I don't talk enough in real life..

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Lazy hazy daze of Easter

An e-mail I wrote to a friend recently should sum it all up quite nicely:

Last night I dreamt about synchronised travel, a red balloon (where everything else was in shades of gray and sepia), and laughing like I'd never cried before.

And you were there!

I suspect idlethink is giving me idle dreams, in great contrast to working life.

To put it in perspective, every other dream this week has been of numbers tumbling madly over, up, and under, falling off the pages into slithery heaps that slid between files and refused to, haha, stand up and be counted.

I am obviously, very tired.

How art thou?

But not this weekend, because this is the Easter weekend; last Thursday is long forgotten, Tuesday as yet inconceivable, and the Saturday I will be working is to be completely disregarded.

No, four-day weekends should be enjoyed, in the spirit of which Boyfriend and I have lazed away the day doing nothing, with the notable exception of the last half-hour spent squirming around on the floor trying to lick our own elbows.

I suspect I may come to regret the wasted time – I could have shopped! Or danced! Or done laundry! – but then again, probably not.

Happy Easter..:o)


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