A Unilinguist: As if I don't talk enough in real life..

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Something new, then

I have a sitemeter, which I have found to be, up till now, redundant. The number of people I know who read me I can count on one hand, and I don’t really need some generic counter to tell me that I average perhaps five people on a good day, and close to none (if five isn’t close enough) on the others. Still, I have one, if only to make me feel perhaps more legitimate in this tech-trendy world, and it amuses me mildly.

But it’s been a while since I have written, and an equally long time since I’ve checked to see if anyone still, you know, cares, and so it was pretty startling, really, when I did and found these:

  • An eleven-visitor day (the 23rd, if you must know)
  • A substantial list of Google/Yahoo referrals
  • A relatively long list of keywords – well, four, actually, which is long relative to zero. As is anything.

Perhaps it is the cyber-cheap-equivalent of van Gogh, and it is only in its premature, apparent death that it can flourish.

You may think of this, then, as a panicked attempt to reduce it to its former obscurity, because all this “attention” is just freaky.

But anyway.

Merry Christmas, belatedly, and a Happy New Year to all.

And a very, “VERY Happy Birthday!!!” to my skinny, string-beany, funny friend – you always were my favourite prefect. ;o)


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